Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lilac Ladiness

Lilacs are a witness to my womanhood. They bloom even in snow, blossoming regardless of circumstances. Effortlessly they release perfume and nothing confounds them. It is not in their nature to hold back sweetness. When the lilacs bloomed, I discovered the depths of my dexterity as a daughter of Deity. Lilacs are forever my spring time witness to beauty, power, and sensuality. Every future spring, I will smell, caress, and gaze upon the lilacs, in communion with She Who Is, working magic through me. Ageless and timeless is the fierce beauty and love of the Cosmos.

(Reminiscence of Alyssa)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Invocation to the Primal

She Who Is Cosmic Creatrix,
He Who Is Lord of Stars dances with thee.
Blessed be the beauty and abundance of thy bounty,
Blessed be thy daughters and sons of
Life, light, love, and law.

Sacred Ones,
Cloak us about with your mantle of protection;
Safeguard us
Preserve us from danger and guile.
Birth within us
Gracefulness, strength, and beauty.
Feed us right speech,
Show us right action,
Lead us in peace to truth.
May we bring benefit to the world.

Ama . . . Ima . . . Aumein

(Original prayer by Alyssa)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Natural Law of Cause and Effect

A harp string, once plucked
Sends melodious sound,
Reverberations of the cosmos.

A human vessel, once touched
By the quickenings of life and love,
Will resonate and quiver.

Both respond instinctually, effortlessly.
This is natural law: the cause and effect of harmonic resonance.

(by Alyssa Krissen)