Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Love and Sorrow

(original poem by Alyssa)

Love's companion is named sorrow,

filled with uncertainty of tomorrow.

For the flame of love will fire and fade,

leaving only traces of the feelings made.

Even though, the only response to love is, "Yes,"

Without ever having a second guess.

No need to ask, "How come?" or "Why?"

When your heart is as open as the sky.

Because a taste of love, even just a drop,

Is sufficient to cause all bitterness to stop.

Should you receive the gift of love,

Forever thank the heavens above.

For Love has bejeweled your essence,

And married it to a sacred presence.

Now you wear the raiment of light--

Life is no longer a struggle or fight.

Live each day with a burning yearning,

Eager for the wisdom of life's learning.

Ready to respond again to Love, "YES!"

Without ever having a second guess.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Labyrinth Parable

Barefoot, walking the Rancho San Carlos seven-circuit labyrinth, a revelation resurrected from confusion. Stepping slowly, balancing on top of the rocks, step by step to a dead end; I was lost and didn't arrive at center. Restepping on another line of rocks, only to reach another dead end. Backtracking to the first rock path, believing I may have crossed up somehow, but the same dead end once more. The rocks were partially hidden by prickly weeds. The way seemed to be concealed. Feeling the pull of Spirit on my soul, and with prayerful patience, I remained lost until the obscure became obvious: walk between the rocks.

I was stepping on the rocks to avoid stepping barefoot on the thorns. If I was to find Center, I had to step on the thorns between the rock lines. Bravely, slowly, with determination, I took my first correct steps. Despite the soreness in my feet, I moved forward, propelled by the attraction of Truth, Beauty, and Grace. I had been holding an umbrella the whole time, because of storm clouds overhead. In my exhilaration at discovering how to walk the labyrinth, I flung the umbrella far outside of the stones. I did not need it, for rain and sun were all the same to me now.

A path begun with balance, love, and longing leads to other paths. All paths, prayerfully taken, lead to discovery. Discovery creates and magnifies energy, propelling one further. Now one has discovered direction. Discovery brings a deeper purpose, a Higher Will. One has begun to master movement. The path opens up. The way is demarked. Then, there is a shedding. The lighter you go, the more you flow. One must be light to flow. When one is light, there is flow. Now there is only flow. Flow leads to the Center. The Center gathers force, turning round and round and round. Gathering force to a point of poised equilibrium, and then about face, leading directly to returning. Returning in truth. Returning to shed light. Returning to give all one has. Returning to spend oneself. Returning with vast awareness. Returning to begin.

June 2004, Beulah, CO, School of Alchemy Pagan Passion retreat

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Raven told me: "DEAD: Drop Everything And Do it (or die)"

The Mother told me: "The rose bud cannot resist blooming, and begs to shed its perfume."

For now, I have no questions; I have intuited the answers: clarity is its own answer.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

In Praise of Love
by Tobias Hume (1569-1654)
Festooned by Alyssa

Aah, fond Love, they harm thee very much
They that say thy sweet is bitter.

When thy tender, ripe fruit is such
As nothing could be sweeter.

Fairest treasure of joy and bliss,
Truest pleasure of a kiss,
I do adore thee.

I know what thou art
I serve thee with pure heart
And fall before thee, torn apart.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Late Winter New Moon Musings
Alyssa's insight

I stand in balance
Between worlds,
My heart a fulcrum.

The depth of the root
Has been nourished
And put to rest
In this time of darkness,
To manifest multifold
In a future season.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Year musings by Alyssa

Soft morning breeze-
Fingers through my hair, gentle and caressing.

Golden ball of fire on the dawn horizon-
Warm embrace kindling my heart and blood.

Gentle waves at my feet-
Tender kisses soothing my body and soul.

As I sit on the shore
Secure in the Earth's

Today will be a sensual delight of The Presence engulfing me.

Original by Alyssa
The Pendulum Perfected
(An inner plane unconscious healing, which once perfected there, may be lived consciously in the outer world.)
New Year musing by Alyssa

Says She to He, "Your hunger and your senses guide you."

Says He to She, "As your heart does you."

She, "Then let us become one, a unity of wholeness, for we complement and complete each other. You kindle my loins as I light your heart - sharing soul of matter and soul of spirit in a never ending, ever flowing circuit."

He, "In unity we find the satiety of full wholeness, strength to support our separateness, and thus fan the flames of our togetherness."

Hence the pendulum perfectly oscillates: She/He, Heart/Loins, Together/Alone, Soul/Matter, Unconscious/Conscious.

Respect this resonant harmonic at all cost.

Robert A. Johnson from his book We: "A whole universe of possibilities lives within one whole person. Two whole individuals produce the full potential of relatedness. The fantasy projections produce death; a slow death leaks vitality through projection."

We are to be completely whole individuals and to relate fully, reflecting to each other the complementary opposite, and to own all the projections and thus be human, not fantasy. In reality, this unification happens within individuals and between people. The inner and outer are both reality and must be recognized correctly for which is which. Confusion of this is the root of projection.

New Year musing by Alyssa