Inner Planes Pleasure of Polarity (by Alyssa)
This I know of love's purple mountain majesty:
Sacred masculine probing with vitality, throbbing with urgency, bursting forth to fecundate
Sacred feminine melting and opening, echoing angel sounds, receiving to contain, grow, and birth
Positive and negative join to become energy: a third force greater than each on their own:
The steamy, sumptuous, synergistic symbiosis of sex.
Tenderly, sweetly, sacredly, purposefully come together!
Make the world right
Let harmony reign
The kingdom of kindness is at hand.
Ecstasy of release, send the impulse of love-joy to the far reaches of the heavens and earth. What blessed relief to forget oneself, the self-forgetting that brings remembrance of perfect peace profound.
Even making love to moon and stars is a pure gift of pleasure from the Goddess and God. Blessed Be. Joyful Be.
(Please: Always protect yourself with safe sex. Creative playfulness always trumps unprotected sex. Never take any chances with your health and wellbeing.)