Thursday, October 8, 2009
Beloved, my song will wrap its melody around you like the fond arms of love.
It will touch your forehead like a kiss of blessing, opening you to beauty and bliss.
When you are alone, it will sit by your side and whisper in your ear, "Have no fear, I am here."
When you are in the crowd, it will fence you about with aloofness, to preserve and protect.
My song of love for you will be like a pair of wings to your dreams,
And transport you to the verge of the mystery of the unknown.
When nothing but darkness covers your road,
It will be like the faithful, skyward pole star shining your way on.
It will sit in the pupils of your eyes and open your vision to the heart of the Heart of all things.
And when I am gone, it will play in your living heart, and you will know that you are loved. My Song
The sweetness of the universe runs through you, like honey, which drips best with warmth and coaxing; you cannot force it. Remember to move and breathe. Dance in the moon and stars. Kiss and hug your loved ones. Be as deliberately tender as a cloud drifting by touching your skin with coolness. Allow all of life's mess-ups to be a time to laugh with childishness for what is. Breathe my fire even when you think you are too tired. Pay attention to the subtleness of the pulse of life--my pulse-- always beating my love for all that is. I am the dew that softens all that is. I am your Divine Life Force. Go in beauty. Peace be with you, till we meet with our hearts in the light.
Yours forever, She Who Is Herself
(Received from Source to Alyssa, June 2001, Paonia, CO, School of Alchemy Rose Garden of Prayer retreat)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
(Poem by Alyssa)
Think of me what you will;
But better just to be still,
So that your senses I may fill.
For we are falling into passion's calling --
The Goddess and God are not to be denied,
And we shall be gratified.
So think of me what you will
Because it matters nill!
Now the magic has begun,
All for us to experience the fun.
Not to fear or flee
From the giddy gift of ecstacy.
To hell with propriety--
Cross the taboo with me--
And we shall be free
To enter rapture and pleasure,
All in good measure . . . .
Oh what a treasure.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Inner Planes Pleasure of Polarity (by Alyssa)
This I know of love's purple mountain majesty:
Sacred masculine probing with vitality, throbbing with urgency, bursting forth to fecundate
Sacred feminine melting and opening, echoing angel sounds, receiving to contain, grow, and birth
Positive and negative join to become energy: a third force greater than each on their own:
The steamy, sumptuous, synergistic symbiosis of sex.
Tenderly, sweetly, sacredly, purposefully come together!
Make the world right
Let harmony reign
The kingdom of kindness is at hand.
Ecstasy of release, send the impulse of love-joy to the far reaches of the heavens and earth. What blessed relief to forget oneself, the self-forgetting that brings remembrance of perfect peace profound.
Even making love to moon and stars is a pure gift of pleasure from the Goddess and God. Blessed Be. Joyful Be.
(Please: Always protect yourself with safe sex. Creative playfulness always trumps unprotected sex. Never take any chances with your health and wellbeing.)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Truth cannot be accumulated. What is accumulated is always being destroyed; it withers away. Truth can never wither because it can only be found from moment to moment in every thought, in every relationship, in every word, in every gesture, in a smile, in tears. And if you and I can find that and live it --the very living is the finding of it-- then we shall not become propagandists; we shall be creative human beings -- not perfect human beings, but creative human beings, which is vastly different.
Alyssa would add, "Love works the same way as truth."
Krishnamurti, All the Marvelous Earth, page 96:
When you look at the stars, there is you who are looking at the stars in the sky; the sky is flooded with brilliant stars, there is cool air, and there is you, the observer, the experiencer, the thinker, you with your aching heart, you, the center, creating space. You will never understand about the space between yourself and the stars, yourself and your wife or husband or friend, because you have never looked without the image, and that is why you do not know what beauty is or what love is. You talk about it, you write about it, but you have never known it except perhaps at rare intervals of total self-abandonment. So long as there is a center creating space around itself there is neither love nor beauty. When there is no center and no circumference, then there is love. And when you love you are beauty.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Lilac Ladiness
Lilacs are a witness to my womanhood. They bloom even in snow, blossoming regardless of circumstances. Effortlessly they release perfume and nothing confounds them. It is not in their nature to hold back sweetness. When the lilacs bloomed, I discovered the depths of my dexterity as a daughter of Deity. Lilacs are forever my spring time witness to beauty, power, and sensuality. Every future spring, I will smell, caress, and gaze upon the lilacs, in communion with She Who Is, working magic through me. Ageless and timeless is the fierce beauty and love of the Cosmos.
(Reminiscence of Alyssa)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
She Who Is Cosmic Creatrix,
He Who Is Lord of Stars dances with thee.
Blessed be the beauty and abundance of thy bounty,
Blessed be thy daughters and sons of
Life, light, love, and law.
Sacred Ones,
Cloak us about with your mantle of protection;
Safeguard us
Preserve us from danger and guile.
Birth within us
Gracefulness, strength, and beauty.
Feed us right speech,
Show us right action,
Lead us in peace to truth.
May we bring benefit to the world.
Ama . . . Ima . . . Aumein
(Original prayer by Alyssa)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
A harp string, once plucked
Sends melodious sound,
Reverberations of the cosmos.
A human vessel, once touched
By the quickenings of life and love,
Will resonate and quiver.
Both respond instinctually, effortlessly.
This is natural law: the cause and effect of harmonic resonance.
(by Alyssa Krissen)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
She is the luminous, bright
Scorpio full moon tonight,
Drawing out sensual
Taurus sun from flowers.
I wander moon clad and drink in the perfumed evening air:
White snow-in-summer
White honeysuckle
White stock
Traces of pink peony and
Yellow russian olive.
The air is rich with the heady scent
Of She Who Is.
(Original by Alyssa)